Ethics Policy

IJCTET Journal
The International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJCTET) is dedicated to serving as a primary communication channel, facilitating the exchange of ideas and information within the scientific research community and society. Upholding a set of ethical standards is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our publication process. It is strongly recommended that all involved parties strictly adhere to the following code of ethics, as it plays a pivotal role in ensuring the high quality of the published works. The current code of ethics is designed to provide clear guidance on the proper conduct expected from editors, authors, and reviewers engaged in the scientific publication process across any book or journal published by our organization.

Researchers/authors are advised to follow the following code of ethics strictly. Submit manuscripts that are their original works or those they are associated with during their tenure. Submitted manuscripts should contain original and new results, data, and ideas which are not submitted for publishing to other publications or published elsewhere. The fabrication of data and results, intellectual property theft, and plagiarism are highly unacceptable and go against the ethical standards of an author. Information acquired from various sources must only be included in the manuscript with prior permission from the owner of the information or data source. Authors are required to provide proper citations for the works they reference, and it is recommended to cross-check references before submitting the manuscript. Authors are prohibited from promoting their works through any media to secure publication. No article should include an author who is not directly involved in the work for any purpose.

The reviewer team comprises key members dedicated to enhancing the quality of the journal. As a peer-reviewed (blind referee) journal, reviewers are strictly advised not to disclose their identity in any manner. Reviewers must promptly decline to review an article if they believe the article lacks technical qualifications if a timely review cannot be conducted, or if there is a conflict of interest.

All submissions are to be treated with utmost confidentiality, and editorial approval may be granted for advice received from external sources. It is imperative that a reviewer does not pass on the assigned article to another reviewer and instead promptly declines it if unable to proceed. Reviewers, being foundational to the quality assurance process, must ensure that published articles meet high standards of quality and present original work.

If a reviewer becomes aware that the article under review is simultaneously being considered for publication elsewhere, it is their responsibility to inform the editor. A reviewer's comments play a crucial role in determining the acceptance or rejection of an article, making them a pivotal element in the peer review process. All reviewers are urged to thoroughly examine the articles assigned to them, providing unbiased review comments to enhance the overall quality of our journals.